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May 23, 2024
Funders Must Step Up to Engage Pro-Equality Voters This Year
Movement Voter Fund was featured in an op-ed in Inside Philanthropy co-authored by Arcus Foundation and Equality Federation. The op-ed discusses the urgent need for U.S. pro-democracy and equality movements to join force
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September 28, 2023
September 2023 Newsletter: Victories, Fall Elections, & Video (oh my!)
MVF’s partners are organizing day in and day out to register, organize, and turn out young voters, voters of color, and voters in other communities at the forefront of creating a thriving, representative democracy.
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September 28, 2023
The Top Overlooked Elections of 2023
MVF partners are organizing in high gear in the lead-up to November 7, 2023, when a host of consequential state and local elections take place around the country.
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September 28, 2023
State Victories: Voting Rights & Funding Breakthroughs
MVF local partners are helping to win years-in-the-making policy victories all over the country.
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July 31, 2023
July 2023 Newsletter: “If we wait until 2024…”
Since 2016, MVF has operated mostly behind-the-scenes, so we thought you’d be interested to know what we are up to – from non-partisan voter engagement to capacity building to issue-based organizing and more.
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July 28, 2023
“When Should We Start Investing in 2024 Turnout?”
OK, you may know the answer but we’re going to say it: The time to invest is now. We can’t say this enough: If we wait until 2024, we will be too late.